By Thomas Connelly Unless it’s a major emergency 🚨 Mayer Brown is urging partners not to disturb…

Sydney lawyer back in court for controversial ‘LGOPNR’ number plates on his $500k Lamborghini
By Freya Noble • Senior Producer
A high-profile Sydney lawyer and his controversial Lamborghini number plates have ended up in court again.Peter Lavac claims the plates on his $500,000 bright yellow Lamborghini are meant to be a joke, but Transport NSW are arguing they are offensive.The plates read: “LGOPNR”, an abbreviation of “leg opener” which Mr Lavac says are a “tongue in cheek, funny, humorous tribute to my reputation as a playboy”.
“It’s freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and it’s a pushback against censorship,” Mr Lavac said outside court today.”This case is not about a pair of silly little number plates, it’s not about a high-powered racing car it’s not even about me.”What this case is about, is about every little Aussie battler that’s been screwed over by government bullies, and bureaucrats, and the entire silent majority who are sick and tired of being told what to do.”Mr Lavac won his first appeal against the decision to revoke the plates back in September on a legal technicality.
But Transport NSW refused to back down and when police pulled him over last Thursday they took off the plates themselves with a screwdriver.A magistrate will decide on Monday whether the lawyer will have to find a new name for his beloved car.